The facade of a commercial building is not just important for aesthetic purposes, but it is also the windows that allow occupants to access the outside world while still remaining indoors. The natural light that seeps through the window facade brings about health benefits to occupants, particularly for employees working in a commercial office, providing sufficient vitamin D levels to them. This may also enhance their productivity levels and act as a mood booster. 

Besides aesthetics and personal health, another major reason to maintain a clean building facade is to preserve integrity and keep a building strong for a long time. Being a building manager, you are left with two options: professional facade cleaning methods, or doing it yourself (DIY). Both of them have their own advantages and limitations. 

The main aim of this blog post is to analyse the most important factors that you should consider while deciding on facade cleaning. With the knowledge of professional vs. DIY facade cleaning methods, you will become competent in ensuring that the facade gives the building an attractive look for a long time, even as its structural stability and durability are ensured. 

1. Expertise and training

Professional cleaning:

Well-trained experts have much experience in facade cleaning methods, including accurate knowledge of the best ways to deal with various facade materials and how to follow the safety rules every time you use a safety harness, scaffolding, and other protective equipment. 

DIY cleaning:

This technique is based on the limited experience and familiarity with facade cleaning methods of the building manager or maintenance staff. It can result in less efficient or effective cleaning techniques. They might as well not be aware of different cleaning methods and safety measures which might cause more accidents and damage to the building facade. 

2. Safety considerations

Professional cleaning:

Professionals adhere to safety standards and regulations set by industry authorities, fostering a safe working environment for employees and occupants of the building. They use safety equipment like safety harnesses, scaffolding, and personal protective gear to lower risks. 

 DIY cleaning:

There’s a higher risk of accidents due to the restricted access to or utilisation of proper safety gear and training. Risks of accidents, injuries, and property damage are more due to the absence of security measures and the lack of knowledge in dealing with dangerous cleaning operations. 

3. Equipment and tools

Professional cleaning:

Professionals have access to a wide range of specialised facade cleaning equipment, such as high-pressure washers, telescopic poles, and advanced cleaning solutions tailored to specific facade materials. They utilise professional-grade cleaning agents and equipment that are effective in deep cleaning and removing stubborn stains without causing damage to surfaces.

DIY cleaning:

There’s a reliance on basic tools like ladders, sponges, and household cleaning agents, which may not be suitable for addressing tough stains, dirt buildup, or intricate facade details. There’s limited effectiveness in achieving professional-grade cleanliness, especially for larger or more complex facade surfaces that require specialised equipment.

4. Quality of cleaning

Professional cleaning:

They consistently deliver thorough and high-quality cleaning results, ensuring the removal of dirt, grime, pollutants, and biological growth from facade surfaces. They are capable of addressing challenging stains, dirt buildup, and architectural details with precision and efficiency.

DIY cleaning:

Variable quality of cleaning outcomes is inevitable based on the skills, tools, and effort put into the cleaning process. DIY cleaning has its challenges in achieving professional-grade cleanliness, particularly for large or intricate facades where there’s a lack of necessary expertise and equipment.

5. Time, effort, and cost

Professional cleaning:

Offers an efficient and time-saving cleaning process due to the expertise of trained professionals and access to specialised equipment. It’s cost-effective in the long run as it reduces the need for frequent maintenance and repairs, preserving the facade’s appearance and structural integrity.

DIY cleaning:

DIY is time-consuming, especially for extensive or challenging facade surfaces that require multiple cleaning sessions. While one may look at the DIY methods as a budget-friendly approach at the outset, this can result in prolonged cleaning and repair costs if the cleaning is of inferior quality. 

Work with an expert in facade cleaning methods to find out which is the right fit for you

When it comes to deciding on professionals vs. DIY facade cleaning methods, it is entirely crucial to pick the right choice, not only for aesthetics but also to consider health impacts and structural stability. 

Although DIY might seem like a cheaper option, it rarely has the level of quality and right equipment needed to ensure proper cleaning and safety. Professional cleaning ensures accuracy, efficiency, and consistency; therefore, the facade’s attractiveness is conserved. 

With the help of a provider specialising in commercial cleaning in Sydney, you are able to choose the ideal option that suits your building’s presentation and thereby, you can be confident with a well-maintained, clean, safe, and welcoming exterior over the years. Make your selection well to attain the best outcome.