When it comes to commercial spaces, supermarkets attract the highest number of visitors and shoppers on the days they operate. As there are many people who enter and leave supermarkets, this type of establishment generates a lot of foot traffic. 

Supermarkets are also a place where there is a significant amount of hand and surface contact mixed with consumables, produce, beverages, meats, and more shopping items. 

This makes it difficult for designated cleaners or employees at supermarkets to perform effective cleaning duties. They have to go through a large volume of shopping items, take on large surface areas, and utilise complex cleaning procedures required to keep the establishment clean and well-maintained. 

For facility managers who manage supermarkets, having a supermarket cleaning checklist could help them keep track of and fulfil all of the cleaning requirements required to provide a convenient shopping experience for customers. 

That said, here is the ultimate supermarket cleaning checklist that supermarket facility managers should check off when getting their commercial establishment cleaned. 

1. Glass doors and windows 

Shoppers often notice and form their first impression of a supermarket based on its entrance. Therefore, the glass doors and windows, whether at the entrance or within the supermarket, should be cleaned regularly to ensure they are spotless. This means that supermarket cleaners should make sure they tend to the glass doors and windows to create a good first impression among customers.

In terms of the structures within the supermarket, cleaners should also clean the glass doors of the refrigeration units and doors and windows in the freezer areas of the supermarket store. Foods that are frozen should be labelled and expired products should be thrown away to prevent contamination with other food items that are refrigerated or placed in the freezer area. 

Special attention should also be given to door handles and other fixtures that are touched frequently, as this could lead to the spread of bacteria from one shopper to another, which may include supermarket employees. The interior and exterior of the supermarket doors need to be cleaned thoroughly as well; this includes display cases. 

2. Recycling bins and garbage disposal 

Supermarket cleaners should also monitor the recycling bins and garbage disposals placed in different areas surrounding the supermarket and ensure that the bins or garbage disposals do not overflow. They can do this by frequently emptying the bins and disposals when they have reached their maximum capacity. 

These measures are important to prevent remnants of trash from overflowing out of the recycling bins or garbage disposals and landing on the floor, which would not only be an unpleasant sight but would also lead to foul smells that create a terrible shopping experience for customers. This type of experience can deter customers from visiting the supermarket again.

Therefore, supermarket facility managers should have a cleaning roster and designate specific cleaners or supermarket employees to check on their recycling bins and garbage disposals on the days that they operate. Facility managers should always stay on top of these measures as they are instrumental in providing a safe and sanitary shopping experience for customers. 

3. Floors

From vacuuming to scrubbing, the floors or ground of a supermarket should always be clean and be rid of moisture or debris. When neglected, the dirt, grime or condensed ice which melts into water on the ground, especially in the frozen food aisle, could be a trip hazard for shoppers. Supermarket floors, whether it be the restrooms, staff break rooms, hallways, or entrances, should be cleaned regularly.

To ensure the floors always remain clean, supermarket cleaning companies can implement a combination of cleaning procedures, such as mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming, to ensure they look clean and safe to walk on at all times during operating hours. Consistency is important here, so the same procedures must be applied across all levels of the supermarket.

4. Restrooms

No shopper feels comfortable walking into a dirty, wet, or muddy bathroom. This is why facility managers should include restroom cleaning as a must in their supermarket cleaning checklist. They need to ensure that hand soap, hand sanitiser, and toilet paper are frequently stocked for use. On top of that, supermarket cleaners should disinfect and sanitise restrooms regularly to eliminate unpleasant odours. 

Not only is cleanliness in washrooms important to the overall customer experience but also to ensure the space remains safe for shoppers by preventing the spread of germs and bacteria throughout the supermarket. Supermarket cleaners should also monitor the supermarket restrooms several times a day to make sure that they smell fresh and remain clean throughout the day. 

5. Shopping carts 

Shopping carts are among the most frequently used items within a supermarket on a daily basis. A shopping cart is necessary to fill up large quantities of products and the same shopping cart can be used by many shoppers throughout the day. Therefore, it’s inevitable that germs and bacteria that remain on the handle of the shopping cart may be transferred from one shopper to another. 

This is why it’s imperative for supermarket cleaners to ensure that the handles of shopping carts are sanitised frequently. They should also ensure that shopping carts are free of forgotten items, shopping lists, wrappers, and trash. Supermarket cleaners should use non-toxic cleaning chemicals or sanitisers on smaller shopping carts that are used by children. 

Enlist commercial cleaners in Sydney to tick off your supermarket cleaning checklist

Ensuring the cleanliness of an entire supermarket can be a tall order, especially since supermarket employees may not have the experience, tools, and resources to clean the entire premises. 

This is why facility managers should turn to experts in commercial cleaning in Sydney to tick off the supermarket cleaning checklist. They can ensure that your supermarket remains clean on a day-to-day basis. 

With their help, supermarket employees or designated cleaners can focus on more productive tasks, you can lower labour and operational costs, and attract more shoppers to spend at your supermarket.